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Irský seminář se solistem z Lord of the Dance

26.10.2005 Švestka Štefan 42069
5.11.2005 na ZS Nevadzova (v telocvicni) v Bratislavskom Ruzinove - informace z emailu
5.11.2005 na ZS Nevadzova (v telocvicni) v Bratislavskom Ruzinove, od 11:00 do 14:00 bude workshop so Stephenom Scariffom, solistom z Lord of the Dance. poplatok je 15 eur na vsetky 3 hodiny, v pripade prihlasenia viac osob (10 a viac) je mozne dohodnut zlavu. prihlasky pls mailom, alebo na 0908 466 563, alebo na 004 055 594.

Nejake udaje o Stephenovi v anglictine su dole, vice i na nasej stranke www.irishdance.at, alebo o ich najnovsej show tu:


Stephen Scariff
At just 21 Stephens repertoire in dance is both impressive and extensive. Following training at the Flaherty Academy of Irish Dance in Galway, Stephens progression in dance began.

Competing both nationally in his native Ireland and internationally Stephenss undoubted natural ability in the art of dance secured him many championship titles.
Taking his flair for Irish dance a step further, he pursued his ambition to make his passion his profession.

In 1998, Stephen was approached to dance in the internationally famous, highly acclaimed dance show, produced and directed by Michael Flatley. It was from this point on that his love affair with performing began. Stephen has toured far and wide across the globe performing in this show. He has been granted the privilege to entertain royalty of various nations, at a host of prestigious venues worldwide. Originally cast as a chorus line dancer his capabilities were soon recognised and he was asked to perform the principal role of the good lord, furthering his opportunity to develop his artistic disposition.

To add to his repertoire Stephen also performed in a theatrical production namely, Dancing on Dangerous Grounds. The focus of which was based on Irish Dance. This production was premiered at the prestigious Theatre Royal in Londons West end, where its initial run lasted for a continuous six weeks, before the show was put up for international appraisal in the United States, specifically Radio City Music Hall in New York city, where the production was performed, again for a continuous six weeks. Stephen possesses a unique quality in the role of a live performer, caressing audiences worldwide with his natural charisma and charm. His love for the art of dance combined with his impeccable technique and charismatic approach has reached (touched) many audiences, granting Stephen international recognition on the world stage.

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